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We said goodbye to the Rev. Stephanie Shepard last Sunday as she leaves St. Francis after two years as our Interim Priest-in-Charge.   The St. Francis parish has joyous memories of her ministry here with us.   You can visit our 'Rewind Libary' to view her last service with us and our 'goodbyes' to her.  

This Day we Say 'Grateful' ... 

It is a strange thing to be so bound and so released at the same moment, to feel the heart open wide and wider still even as it turns to take its leave. 

On this day, let us say this is simply the way love moves in its ceaseless spiraling, Turning us toward one another, then sending us into what waits for us with arms open wide to us in welcome and in hope. 

On this day, in this place where you have poured yourself out, where you have been emptied and filled and emptied again, may you be aware more than ever of what your heart has opened to here, and what it has tended and welcomed here, where it has broken in love and in grief, where it has given and received blessing in the unfathomable mystery that moves us, undoes us, and remakes us finally for joy. 

This day may you know this joy in full measure

This day may you know this blessing that gathers you in and sends you forth but will not forget you. O hear us as this day we say grace; this day we say grateful; this day we say blessing; this day we release you in God’s keeping and hold you in gladness and love.

 (© Jan Richardson,