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“Alone Together”

The planned date of August 10th of 'Alone Together'  has had to be postponed due the illness of one of the facilitators

Please make a note of the new date of Wednesday 7th September from 7-8:30 pm

in the Courtyard at St. Francis-in-the-Wood, or in the Lounge if it is cool or wet

'Alone Together' is a gathering for those who are living with grief.  Until you have suffered the death of a loved one, it is difficult to understand what it can feel like for someone to live alone after having a companion. 

This is an invitation for those who are living with grief to come together and share experiences to support one another.  The goal is an evening for loving compassion- not therapy, advice, or fixes.  Share a story, share a drink, share a smile or a tear.  Whether your grief is fresh or familiar, you are welcome.

This is an exploratory meeting with the Venerable Stephanie Shepard. It will be up to those interested whether this is a group that would be helpful to continue into the fall.