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The Search Committee of St. Francis-in-the-Wood had interviewed candidates for the position of rector over the last few weeks.  One applicant was recommended after prayerful consideration and had been offered the position.  Sadly, that individual has just informed the Bishop that they have withdrawn for personal reasons.  This is not a reflection on the parish's fine profile or the diligent work of the Search Committee.  We are disappointed but know that God is still with us in the process.  

The Synod Office will be guiding us in re-posting the position for four weeks early in the new year, with the expectation of a second round of applications and interviews.   This means that a new rector will probably not be in place until mid-year.  The Venerable Stephanie Shepard has agreed to continue as priest-in-charge to support the mission and ministry of our parish.  Please continue to pray for the members of the Search Committee as we transition and offer your assistance in this great task.