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Sometimes faith is hard. Sometimes life is hard. Sometimes faith and life collide with statements like the one from Mark this Sunday which feel confrontational. It makes me wonder sometimes, why follow Jesus when sometimes what he tells me makes me so uncomfortable? Well, Sometimes discomfort is where I grow deepest. And no I don’t mean suffering is just part of life, so we should accept it whenever it happens. Suffering here is about living a life that doesn’t deepen itself, that doesn’t strive for purpose.

You see friends, when we put God in the driver seat of our life, what so often happens is we get a life of unimagined beauty, because its a life of fulfillment and purpose. Yet putting God in the driver's seat is not about sitting back and doing nothing, cause “God’s got this.” Rather, it's about listening with the depth of our souls to who and what God is calling us to be.

But what is God calling us to be? God is calling us to be, I believe, stewards of relationship with each other and the environment. A relationship which is asking us this question: How can we love God and ignore the climate crisis? How can we love God and not see that same God in our neighbor- yes even that one who plays music too loud or is rude.?

Sometimes life and faith are hard. Sometimes Jesus says things that make us uncomfortable. Sometimes that discomfort is where we grow deepest because it's revealing who we really are- which is a people that is willing to take up the cross of relationship and grow community because of it with all of creation. A cross which will make us uncomfortable as it sets us free.

Wanna know how the story ends? Come Sunday to find out more.

Bring a friend, and don't forget to register for the Salmon BBQ on Sept 22. It's free, and I’d love to see you! (ps: we will have options other than fish just in case fish isn’t your jam)