Parish Ministry

Our Parish Ministry helps people to find their place here at St. Francis, to hear what God is saying to us and discovering where He is leading us, while reaching out to our Community.

You can make your secure online gift to the Ministry of the Church here now as a single or recurring donation.  

Other ways to give are shown below.

New Sound System

A new sound system – consisting of state-of-the-art speakers, microphones, control panels, wiring and related equipment – has been designed.  Components have been sourced and quotes have been obtained. The Parish Leadership Team has authorized an extraordinary expenditure of $44,000 which will help lift up our voices like a trumpet.

Our goal is to create a seamless sound and visual experience.  We want to increase the quality and quantity of microphones in the sanctuary. We need the piano mic’d to increase its sound in a space that was not originally designed for pianos.  Some of the speakers are decades old.   

We need your help.  There are not sufficient funds in our operating budget to undertake this work.  So the Leadership Team has tasked the fundraising committee to seek funds from other sources.  THAT MEANS YOU AND ME!  (And possibly the Diocese, too, if we can raise sufficient funds to qualify for a diocesan grant.)

These upgrades are mission critical to our parish.  We need to hear God more clearly in worship and events - and He needs to hear us. 

If you can help please send your cheque to “St. Francis-in-the-Wood” with “New Sound System” in the memo line. If you want to discuss other ways to give, such as donating shares call John Moonen at (604) 921-6433 All donations are tax-receiptable. 

Thank you for your consideration!

John Moonen Chair: Parish Fundraising